Let’s start with a few facts and figures … In 2021 breast augmentation a.k.a boob jobs, was the most performed cosmetic surgery within the UK, seeing over 4 thousand procedures. Alongside other surgeries such as breast reduction, blepharoplasty, liposuction, abdominoplasty a.k.a tummy tucks and rhinoplasty (nose job) were all within the one thousand range.
As you can see cosmetic surgeries are on the rise and like all surgeries you may experience or develop complicationsduring or after the procedure. Some conditions such as obesity, diabetes, smoking, or other types of diseases may increase the likelihood of complications Also the more invasive procedures have a higher percentage of complications.
Possible risks of cosmetic procedures include the following:
• Scarring - this is likely in all surgeries. So, invest in a good oil! Hypertrophic scarring is where an abnormally red and thickened raised scar develops. 1 - 3.7% of tummy tucks can often result in this type of scarring.
• Medication or anaesthesia complications - shivering, nausea, vomiting and confusion and disoriented are all common side effects. However, there can be more serious reactions.
• Swelling – like scarring this is another very common results of all types of surgery and it is the body’s natural protective response.
• Nerve damage - this is almost a certainty following a boob job. Most women do experience a change in sensitivity after surgery and 15% experience permanent changes in nipple sensation.
Other, more invasive cosmetic procedures may see more serious complications during or after procedures.
• Hematoma (blood pockets) - is a risk in all types of surgeries, cosmetic or otherwise. It occurs in 1% of breast augmentation procedures. But is most seen after a facelift, on average of 1% of patients experience hematomas. Also, men are more likely to suffer from hematomas compared to women.
• Seroma (build-up of fluid under the skin) - This can occur after any cosmetic surgery but is the most common following a tummy tuck, occurring in 15 to 30% of procedures
• Infections - Infection after breast implant surgery occurs in 1.1% to 2.5% of procedures performed and up to a staggering 35% of procedures performed for reconstruction after mastectomy.
• Blood clots / deep vein thrombosis - relatively uncommon and affecting only less than 1% of all patients who have cosmetic procedures. However, blood clots can be fatal. The risk of clots is 5x higher for people having multiple procedures than those that only have one procedure.
• Organ damage - liposuction can be the most traumatic procedure for the internal organs, hence the tenderness and bruising that occurs afterwards.
• Capsular contracture - The risk of noticeable firmness or capsular contracture is up to 1 in 10 of all breast augmentations, but most will not need revision surgery. The chance of needing further surgery for any reason is about 1%. Capsular contracture is the most common reason for re-operation. Once capsular contracture has happened, even if it is corrected, it is likely to recur in 1 in 2 cases.
To reduce these complications and to promote optimal healing following any cosmetic or non-cosmetic surgery, surgeons are now frequently referring their patients to receive a course of manual lymphatic drainage massage. In the UK, a breast implant procedures can have an average cost of around £3,500 to £8,000- throw in an uplift and it can double- if not triple! A lot of money to spend, right? So, find out why it’s worth investing in a course or 2 of manual lymphatic massage below ….
Following any type of surgery, it is a given that discomfort, swelling and bruising can occur. Also, the lymphatic system can be hindered and become congested especially the superficial lymphatic vessels by the trauma caused from the surgery which results in reduced healing, increased risk of the above complications such as seromas and infections etc. The lymphatic system plays an extremely important role in the immune system, to help circulate immune cells to help speed up recovery and protect and fight infections.
Manual lymphatic drainage massage can help decongest the lymphatic system and helping to promote optimal healing – strengthening the immune system, reducing swelling, bruising, tone to the skin and removal of toxins to name a few. It is even more so important to receive early and regular MLD massages following multiple surgeries such as tummy tuck, liposuction, and breast uplift/implants as this will really help to reduce swelling and tissue/skin tightness and hardening.
You can receive MLD massage can bring as early as 1-2 weeks or can be up to 8 weeks post-surgery with your surgeons/consultant’s approval it also depends on the type of surgery performed and the healing of wounds. Therefore, it all depends on your recovery, and this will be discussed in a thorough consultation prior to your manual lymphatic drainage massage.
MLD massage isn’t just a post-surgical treatment, it can be highly beneficial and recommended by surgeons to have 1 to 2 massages prior to surgery. Ideally it is advised to have a manual lymphatic massage 24-48hours before surgery. This will help to prepare and cleaning the body and skin of any toxins or impurities and boosting the immune system – reducing the risk of infections and improving the healing process post-surgery. The improvement in lymphatic circulation can also help reduce the formation of scarringwhich hinders lymphatic flow.
So, ladies if you are planning on getting any type of cosmetic surgery it is important you invest in your recovery too!
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